Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lunch - Amaranth grain salad with beans and grated carrots salad

Ingredients for amaranth salad: Boiled amaranth grains, chopped red onion, cucumber,  grated carrot, cilantro, chopped bell peppers, chopped tomatoes

Close-up of the salad

Dinner - Vegan maki rolls

Ingredients: Nori sheets, sushi rice, rice vinegar + the vegetables that you love (e.g.: Cucumber, tomato, avocado, grated carrot, bell pepper, zucchini)

Serve with soy sauce and wasabi

Lunch - Vegetables with beans and quinoa

Ingredients: Homemade mashed pinto beans, quinoa, zucchini, bell peppers, nopal, onions.

Serve with corn tortilla and mexican salsa

Lunch - Nopal vegan burrito

Ingredients: Homemade mashed pinto beans, cucumbers, nopal, lettuce, onion sprouts, sweet corn, fried onions

Breakfast - Hummus spread sandwich

Ingredients: Homemade hummus, onion sprouts, lettuce, tomatoes, whole wheat bread

Juice: Cucumber, pineapple, spinach, cilantro, orange

Breakfast - Oatmeal with banana and pineapple

Mashed banana mixed with fresh pineapple and oatmeal